You are about to enter an area that contains adult material that some may find obscene and/or offensive. You must agree to the following prior to entering:

1. I am an adult at least 18 years old, or 21 years old if that is the legal standard for viewing adult-only materials in my community.

2. I am not accessing this material to use against the website operators, its affiliates or any other person or entity in any conceivable manner.

3. I will not redistribute this material to anyone nor will I permit any minor to see this material, or any other person who might find such material personally offensive.

4. I will not hold the publishers of this website, or anyone associated with this website responsible should I find the materials contained herein offensive.

5. I believe in the freedom of expression provided for by The Netherlands

6. I believe that such material does not offend the standards of the community in which I live.

Refunds for payments made to this website are reviewed on a case by case basis by the Customer Support team.

All Payments made to this website for services and products will reference the ‘AmXDigital’ Network via banking particulars.



This document sets out our complaints policy. If you are a User of AmXNetwork, this Complaints Policy forms part of your agreement with us.

Who we are and how to contact us?

AmXNetwork is operated by AmXNetwork Limited. We are a limited company registered in the Netherlands

Who can use this Complaints Policy?

Whether or not you are a User of AmXNetwork you can use this Complaints Policy to alert us to any complaint which you have relating to websites accessible via the AmXNetwork.

How to make a complaint

If you have a complaint about AmXNetwork (including any complaint about Content appearing on AmXNetwork or the conduct of a User), please send your complaint to contact@amxnetwork.com including your name, address, contact details, a description of your complaint and, if your complaint relates to Content, the URL for the Content to which your complaint relates.

How we will deal with your complaint?

Following receipt of your complaint we will take such steps as we consider to be appropriate to investigate your complaint within a timescale which is appropriate to the nature of your complaint or alternatively within 7 days; if we require further information or documents from you, we will contact you to let you know; we will in good faith take such actions as we consider appropriate to deal with the issue which your complaint has raised. If you have complained about Content which appears on the AmXNetwork and we are satisfied that the Content is unlawful or otherwise breaches our Acceptable Use Policy, we will act quickly to remove such Content. We are not obligated to inform you of the outcome of your complaint.

Unjustified or abusive complaints

If you are a User of AmXNetwork, you warrant (which means you make a legally enforceable promise) that you will not make any complaint under this Complaints Policy which is wholly unjustified, abusive, or made in bad faith. If we determine that you have breached this warranty, we may suspend or terminate your User account.